« The vacillating reality is a source of questions : what density, what materiality? » To account for this, develop systems using the mirror. The resulting works play with perception and provokes mirages and illusions.
… there is no reality faithful to appearances - the spectator participates in the creation of the work from scattered fragments that he brings together, consciously or unconsciously, like a rebus pictogram which finally comes to make sense. But which one?
3, INTÉRACTION, ALTÉRATION Mirror sculpture 2002 Silver thermoformed glass - 57 x 48 cm - Private collection
Cocon Bleu 1998/99.
Assembled painted engraved mirrors
~ 50 x 30 x 30 cm.
Luxienne was created in 2006 on the occasion of Hélène Lhote’s exhibition at Electrorama. It is the synthesis between the wind turbines which dotted the landscapes of her childhood and the Spanish lanterns of the 17th century where an array of mirrors, placed behind a candle, enhance the light.
LUXIENNE Rotating light sculpture 2006
mirror, stainless steel, steel - diameter 160
"By gambling in this scheme we come to question ourselves, about what we perceive, and the work that we thought we understood, slips away. Trouble sets in, all the more so as the reflections, wanting to be a perfect imitation of reality, offers itself back to us inverted. To experience what is seen, to fix ones perception and stabilise the impressions, the spectator searches on all sides until he wants to touch it, but the mirrors stand in the way. Calls for help, the other senses give up and the vision which one believed to be sovereign now falters: illusion and vanity."
H.L. 2003
MIRAGE - 2004
thermoformed glass - diameter 30 cm
2016 (detail) Steel, mirror, painted wood
187 x 135 x 14,5 cm.